- MENTORED ONE-ON-ONE BY DR. RICHAR LORD! (Lead scientist in the application of these functional labs to the general population)
Have your previous recommendations to your patients failed to result in  symptom resolution?
Here are just a few conditions that i use organic and amino acid testing for:
- Mystery symptoms such as insomnia, chronic pain, and fatigue that have been unresponsive to anything
- Brain fog - patients that have difficulty finding words to express themselves or complain of a lack of short-term memory
- Histamine Intolerance or Mast Cell Activation - You will learn how to find problem areas of histamine metabolism and develop a targeted nutrient therapy to improve histamine issues
- Fatigue - Looking at the mitochondria patterns discussed in the OAT course in modules 7 & 8 can help you identify patterns that block ATP production and develop a plan to improve it. In the amino acid course you will learn what patterns that contribute to low energy output!
- Mood disturbances - Learn in modules 4 & 5 of the Organic Acids course all about neurotransmitters (NT) and neuro-inflammation! In the Amino Acids course, you will learn all about the precursors to NTs and how to support a proper balance!
- Toxic illness - Learn all about recognizing patterns in your patients with high toxic loads and depletion of antioxidants! You will even learn how to stage glutathione depletion in Module 9 of the OAT and use the amino acid markers to go even further upstream to help identify metabolic blocks!
- Intestinal bacteria and/or yeast overgrowth - the metabolites of these organisms are reabsorbed into the body and excreted in the urine and can be very telling about the state of the microbiome balance. Certain amino acid patterns are complementary in determining digestive capability.
This all can be resolved. Your patients CAN feel good permanently!
For years, practitioners have not been taught to interpret organic acids in a way that connects diet & lifestyle to the constellation of symptoms.
Nor have organic and amino acids been taught in a way that shows how to think on a higher level bringing in all of the possible factors that play into determining the focal point place to start.
Do you know the answers to these questions?
- Which combination of markers confirm a B2 deficiency?
- Which pattern in the alpha-keto acids implies a genetic polymorphism?
- Why is Xanthurenate the most specific and sensitive marker for B6 deficiency?
- What markers in the OAT tell us about copper deficiency?
- What regulates the Krebs' cycle?
- What is anaplerotic filling of the Krebs' cycle and how is looking at amino acid patterns helpful?
- What pattern best describes worst case scenario of glutathione depletion?
- Which amino acid pattern suggests a hypometabolic state?
- Which amino acids are conditionally essential?
- How do you use BCAA levels to determine metabolic fitness?
- Which amino acids may contribute to high cholesterol levels?
Sound interesting? Keep reading…

The Organic Acids and Amino acids course(s) complete with handouts to take notes and bonus videos plus access to the recorded Q&A case studies AND LIVE Q&As monthly!
Sign up to download your FREE 27-PAGE e-BOOK:
"Using Organic Acids in Histamine Intolerance e-BOOK"

“There is NO comparison of other OAT courses to Dr. Clayton's!”
I've been working with the OAT for > 15 years. I also worked as an assistant at the Kalish Institute and helped Dr. Kalish in the development of his organic acids course. The training I received from Dr. Clayton took me to a whole new level of understanding! I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to refine their skills in interpreting Organic Acids!
-Keri Brooks, FDN-P
“Dr. Gail's Clayton's organic acid course made this complex topic simple”
I have watched many OAT lectures in the past, and this is the best training in OAT! It is full of clinical pearls and practical information that I could apply immediately to my practice. Thank you for putting together this course!
--Sharon Yeh, PharmD, CNS

Dr. Clayton’s students at The University of Bridgeport were thrilled by the material presented in the Organic Acids course! Here are a few of the feedback comments provided by her students:

Dr. Clayton’s passion for the subject matter is infectious. Her enthusiasm makes it easy to learn. I cannot overstate how critical this energy is when learning this information. She brings the content alive and I’m carried away with her excitement. It breaks open the material to be so much more compelling and fascinating than a dry, academic style. I wish I could have attended all of her lectures live. I was always breaking into a smile and laughing during her lectures as I watched the videos.

 Dr. Clayton talks through the main points to help drive the material home. Many client vignettes to illustrate points. She offers lots of good clinical pearls, advice for managing clients in our future practices, and she has a great enthusiasm for the topic!
 The clinical experience Dr. Clayton brings to the course and shares with the class is so valuable and appreciated. Few professors take the time to personalize their courses in such a way.

 The course was very well designed, well taught, and very relevant to practice. Students also learned the science behind each mechanism and pattern.
 The clinical pearls from Dr. Clayton are always great.
 The course material was great and the instructor, Dr. Clayton does a great job of making very difficult topics easier to understand. She also provided practical applications of the material, which I believe is equally important.
There are several options for your learning opportunity!
See below

Organic Acids
Perfect for practitioners and geek biohackers to learn more about how to interpret organic acids testing
Here’s what we’ll cover in the course:
- Module 1: Introduction to Organic Acids
- Module 2: Vitamin Markers
- Module 3: Beta-Oxidtion of Fatty Acids
- Module 4: Neurotransmitters (HVA & VMA)
- Module 5: Kynurenine Pathway
- Module 6: Lactate & Pyruvate
- Module 7: Mitochondria - Energy Regulation
- Module 8: Mitochondria - Tricarboxylic Acids
- Module 9: Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants
- Module 10: Dysbiosis Patterns
- Plus 3 BONUS lectures applying the OAT to clinical indications
- Access to recorded Case Studies and Q&As
- Live monthly Q&As
- Handouts provided for each module to take notes to keep for your desk reference!
- 5.5 CE credits available for Certified Nutrition Specialists!

Amino Acids
Perfect for patients and practitioners to learn and achieve optimal health using targeted amino acid therapy.
Here’s what we’ll cover in the course:
- Module 1: Introduction to Amino Acids:
- Review of Amino Acids basic principles
- Protein structure and function
- Enzymes
- Module 2: Conditionally Essential Amino Acids
- Intro to Conditionally essential amino acids
- Glutamine: markers reviewed Glutamine & glutamate
- Taurine: markers reviewed - Taurine, Methionine, HCY, Cysteine, Cystathione, Sarcosine, choline, Creatine, SAMe
- Glycine: markers reviewed - Glycine, serine, sarcosine, ethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine, phosphoserine, Glutathione, Collagen, Proline, Hydroxyproline, Hydroxylysine
- Arginine: markers reviewed - Arginine, Citrulline, Ornithine, ADMA, Aspartate, Asparagine, Orotate & the Urea Cycle
- Module 3: Important patterns: patterns reviewed - Limiting amino acids, BCAAs, Special patterns, Beta amino acids, histamine
- Access to recorded Case Studies
- LIVE monthly Q&As
- 6 CE credits available for Certified Nutrition Specialists!
Plus: printables you can print and use today!
Price: $299 for 3 months, then you have the option to continue access for $33/month

Organic Acids PLUS Amino Acids courses
Perfect for practitioners and geek biohackers to use both tests to get the root of a health problem!
Here’s what you’ll get:
- ORGANIC ACIDS COURSE: All 10 video lectures, handouts, 3 bonus lectures, quizzes, regular emails pointing out main learning points to help it hit home for your learning
- AMINO ACIDS COURSE: aLL 3 MODULES containing 13 video lectures, handouts to take notes to keep as a desk reference, regular emails to remind you about some of the main points to remember when looking at amino acids
- CASE STUDIES: Access to a separate folder containing all of the recorded case studies and Q&As.Â
- LIVE monthly Q&As for members only!
- 6-months access to the material when you join. after 6 months your membership will convert to a monthly membership for continued access to all of the lectures and case studies for $59/month.
- 11.5 CE credits for Certified Nutrition Specialists!
Plus: Printables for each lecture that you can print, take notes and use today!
VALUE: $598
Buy both courses for : $498 for the first 6 months, then you have the option to continue access for $59/month

Dr. Gail Clayton
Biochemistry & Organic Acids Professor | Guest Speaker on several Health Summits | Mold Illness Recovery Advocate
Gail brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. Having taught hundreds of students the intricacies of biochemistry and organic acids, but also a passionate advocate for mold illness recovery.
She brings a profound understanding of the biochemical pathways crucial to chronic illness thereby infusing her expertise with personal experience, creating a unique and empathetic approach to wellness.
How long do I have access to the learning materials in the courses?
Can I claim CE credit?
Where can I buy Dr. Lord’s book that you mention that the course is based upon?
Can my office purchase ONE log-in for all our practitioners to share?
Practitioners Only: